There were various terms that kept coming up again and again as I translated the Covid news, and I ended up using some idiosyncratic abbreviations to save time and typing.
Below are the main ones:
Food and Beverage (industry)
the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
shorthand for the “concentrated area/intensive prevention measures” (Manen Boushi) system, whereby State of Emergency conditions are applied on a city, town and ward basis rather than on a whole prefecture, and with differing levels of penalties for non-compliance)
the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
State of Emergency
thorough prevention measures
Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama and Chiba treated as a block
a notional shorthand currency where $1 = 100 yen (at the time of these entries, the exchange rate was around $1 = 110 yen and this made a bit more sense)
the 3Cs
Closed spaces (with poor ventilation)
Crowded places (with many people nearby)
Close-contact settings (such as close-range conversations)
This is the English parallel to the Japanese public health campaign, “3つの密” (mitsu no mitsu; or the “3 concentrations”).