28 June 2022, Tuesday — Coronavirus Digest from Japanese Morning TV News Part 1 (of 1): Headlines and (yesterday’s) numbers
Day 792 of doing these daily posts continuously.
See photo captions for stories.
Photo 01
Japan covid-related topics in NHK’s 7am news bulletin today:
Nothing covid-y, but boy is it still hot, weather-wise. Tokyo is asking people to save electricity (but not skimp on the air conditioning) and election coverage is taking up the slack that might usually be afforded to covid news.
Oddly, though the 7am news is 45 minutes long, NHK Plus only put up the first 30 minutes of it on their streaming site.
Photo 2a
[Taken from the NHK website]
9572 new cases confirmed
[so this is solidly up vs. both 7800 for the same day last week, 7956 the same day two weeks ago.]
[Tuesday a.m. (i.e. Monday) figures are traditionally the lowest of the week.]
47 out of 47 prefectures reported cases yesterday.
No new daily case records (probably).
Nowhere with five digits
Quadruple figures only in Tokyo
25 prefectures in triple figures
21 prefectures in double figures
Nowhere in single figures
Tokyo on 1517 [vs. 1076 same day last week, quite a bit up].
Osaka on 586 [vs. 394 same day last week; Osaka up too]
The number of positives at immigration testing was 13
[Border testing was relaxed even as the number of people being allowed into the country has doubled from June 01.]
Photo 02b
[Taken from the NHK website]
The total of current active serious cases stands at 45, up 5 vs. the previous day.
13 deaths announced yesterday, for a total of 31155
Total recorded cases at 9266392
Recovered cases at 9078733 (around 12,000 recovered cases up from the previous day)
Total active cases are at 156,504 (down around 3000 vs the previous day).
Percentage of active cases as a percentage of the grand total of cases is 1.68%.