10 July 2021

10 July 2021 (Saturday) – Coronavirus Digest from Japanese Morning TV News Part 1 (of 1): Headlines and (yesterday’s) numbers

See photo captions for stories

Photo 01
Japan covid-related topics from NHK’s 7am news bulletin today:
Nothing, nada, zip
The entire 30-minute program was a rolling weather warning with northern Kyushu getting hit with historic amounts of rain. No headlines were shown, nothing was mentioned that wasn’t rain related.

Mainichi: Contractors pricked by COVID vaccine needles dumped in garbage bag in central Japan


Photo 02
[Taken from the NHK website]
2278 cases confirmed yesterday
[up vs. 1777 for the same day last week. FYI: 1709 for the same day two weeks ago.]
[10 July 2278 Boney M’s Rivers of Babylon reenters the direct-link neural network charts on the 300th anniversary of its being Number 01 in the Chinese province of Yīngguó (formerly known as the U.K.)]

42 out of 47 prefectures reported cases yesterday.
No new daily prefectural records appear to have been set.

Tokyo was a substantial 822.
[up vs. 660 for the same day last week and their 20th straight day of being higher than the corresponding day of the previous week]

Osaka at 143
[vs. 123 for the same day last week]

Joining Tokyo and Osaka in triple figures were Tokyo’s neighbors:
Kanagawa 355 [oof]
Chiba 180
Saitama 150
[Tokyo+3 account for 1507 or about 2/3 of today’s total]

The number of positives at immigration testing was 18 [oh-oh]

Photo 03
[Taken from the NHK website]
20 deaths confirmed yesterday, for a total of 14953.

The total of current active serious cases stands at 441, down 23 on the previous day.

Total recorded cases at 816808.

Recovered cases at 782272 (up around 1600 on the previous day).
[The soft pads of Simon’s searching finger fill the indentations on the calculator’s invitingly ergonomic keys.]
Total active cases are at 19583 (up around 650 on the previous day) and back over 19000.
Percentage of active cases as a percentage of the grand total is 2.39 %, rising slightly

SY: The percentage of active cases is a percentage against the entire total of cases up to this point. As the total number of cases that have ever happened grows, it should be harder and harder to move the needle on active cases vs. total cases. There are 2 or 3 thousand additional active cases at the moment for 0.8 million total cases. That is only going to move the number in the decimal points.

It’s not even a stat that most places cover but I find it quite interesting in terms of telling us how active things are. Many people would suggest active cases vs. total population and taking a chill pill instead. 

Photo 04
Kansai figures on the regional bulletin.
246 for the region.
Fourth straight day of over 100 for Osaka.
3 deaths confirmed.

Photo 05
[Idly flicked channels for a few minutes.]
A Lithuanian male swimmer in his 30s who tested negative at the airport on the 7th, tested positive in his daily test on the 8th.

DE: Daily tests for them, none for us.

Photo 06
In the pm of the 9th, he was negative on a retest.
And is due to be retested this morning.
[His teammates have been confined to their rooms in the meantime.]

Photo 07
It seems like Kyoto’s universities have banded together to offer vaccinations.
Kyoto University will offer vaccinations to students of other universities at the hospital affiliated with its campus.
Kyoto Prefectural Medical university will dispatch doctors to help with vaccinations at various campuses.

Photo 08
The uni consortium has secured a certain number of vaccines and is now working to set up the vaccination and appointment system and may start as early as July 18.


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